
就像我们在人生的旅途中一样, we wish to acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection the Pennacook, 阿布纳基人, and Wabanaki Peoples have maintained to N’dakinna (homeland) and the aki (land), nebi(水), olakwika(植物), and awaasak (fauna) which the 永利app新版本官网地址 community is honored to steward today. We also acknowledge the hardships they continue to endure after the loss of unceded homelands and champion the university’s responsibility to foster relationships and opportunities that strengthen the well-being of the Indigenous People who carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.



由委员会制定并经部落长老批准, the committee built this acknowledgement with six guiding principles/critical elements:

  1. 包括土地、水、生物群
  2. 捕捉阿布纳基人/Penacook的历史管理地位
  3. 认识到当地土著人民目前面临的挑战
  4. 承认联合国大学与土著人民和地方的关系
  5. 包括一个阿布纳基人术语来描述当地的Durham地方
  6. 包括与土地的精神联系


  • 凯瑟琳·布莱克-主席, 美国土著事务委员会; UNH COLSA Alum (NREN) and retired science teacher; Indigenous heritage (Wendat, 阿尔冈昆人和米克马克人)
  • 丹尼斯·波利奥,会员, 美国土著事务委员会, UNH INHCC成员, affiliate faculty for UNH Indigenous Studies minor; Indigenous member (head female speaker of the Cowasuck Band of Pennacook 阿布纳基人)
  • 阁楼查普曼&- UNH Associate Athletic Director; member, 美国土著事务委员会; Indigenous member (Mohegan)
  • Adam Wymore- member of COLSA DivInE committee with interest in Indigenous issue and science
  • 丹·霍华德-成员, 美国土著事务委员会; COLSA faculty member of COLSA DivInE committee; Indigenous member (Shawnee/Cherokee)

We also want to recognize the work of Svetlana Peshkova and other faculty in the Department of Anthropology who laid the groundwork for the Acknowledgement by building and helping to sustain relationships between UNH and tribal leaders.

10月. 11, 2021


土著历史日(10月12日th) and Native American Heritage Month (November) are fast approaching and will provide the UNH community with enhanced opportunities to engage in exploration, education and awareness building around the histories and cultures of Indigenous peoples. As part of our efforts to strengthen the relationships and collaborative efforts between UNH and the Indigenous peoples of New Hampshire, 我们已经制定了一份正式的土地确认.

Native American Land Acknowledgements are formal statements intended to recognize Indigenous peoples who have been dispossessed and/or show respect to Indigenous peoples who live(d) in a particular location. These acknowledgements typically reference the relationship of Indigenous communities to the land as original stewards. 美国有很多学院和大学, Canada and Australia use land acknowledgements as a way of remembering the past and facilitating understanding of Indigenous histories and cultures while also acknowledging legacies and responsibilities of institutions that were built on traditional Indigenous homelands.

今年春天, UNH created a formal land acknowledgement that was developed and finalized by COLSA faculty and members of the 美国土著事务委员会. It was then approved by Tribal Elders and UNH leadership and has been penned as UNH’s Land, 水与生命(LWL. Conversations regarding a UNH land acknowledgement have been ongoing for a handful of years, and the work of Svetlana Peshkova and other faculty in the Department of Anthropology laid the groundwork for where we have landed today. 

The LWL Acknowledgement is intended to help with understanding our relationship to Indigenous communities and honors our commitment to sustaining authentic connections with the Indigenous peoples of our state, 包括联合国大学社区的土著成员. It also acknowledges the cultures and histories of Indigenous tribes in New Hampshire and represents our ongoing commitment to the values of diversity, 公平与包容. The LWL Acknowledgement and information about the committee members involved in its development can be found on the Office of 社区, 公平及多元化网页 联合国土地、水和生命承认 | 社区, Equity and 多样性.

虽然使用LWL确认是可选的, 我鼓励将其正式纳入联合国大学的活动, 活动, 研讨会, 研讨会及庆祝活动. Sharing the LWL can occur by reading it aloud at the beginning of an event, 哪种是首选方法. It also can be included in printed materials like on an event program or leaflet or on an agenda, 在屏幕上或应用程序中进行数字共享, 或者通过录音. Denise Pouloit宣读LWL的致谢录音, affiliate faculty for UNH Indigenous Studies and an Indigenous member of the Cowasuck Band of Pennacook 阿布纳基人, 可以在这里找到.

The UNH LWL Acknowledgement is an important step towards recognizing how our past intersects with our present, but is only one step of many towards overall continued awareness and understanding. If you are interested in learning more about the significance of land acknowledgements, 我建议阅读, “为什么土地确认很重要,Chip Colwell著, 你可以在这里找到吗 Land Acknowledgment - Why Land Acknowledgments Matter - SAPIENS.

It is our collective responsibility to practice and promote mindfulness and respectful exchanges towards all members of our UNH and local communities. It also is our collective responsibility to educate ourselves about our past so we can determine how far we’ve come and how much further we still need to go. We are making progress at UNH as we work towards a shared understanding of each other’s humanity, 但仍有许多工作要做. 继续前进!

